I will any technology website database like woocommerce

We are In this industry for the last 9 months, We daily Scan 1000's of the websites to know the details of that website like Website Url, Technology (Wordpress, Shopify or Wix..Etc), Email Address, Mobile Numbers, Website Rank, IP, Web Server Type...etcHere is the list of what technologies we are providing Right Now.
Wordpress - This list contains 18,299,494 domains, 1,037,671 phones and 5,147,742 emails.
Woocommerce - This list contains 4,615,526 domains, 373,079 phones and 1,499,705 emails
Shopify - This list contains 958,982 domains, 13,549 phones and 153,001 emails.
Wix - This list contains 3,159,985 domains, 139,387 phones and 1,470,161 emails
Paypal - This list contains 250,128 domains, 3,646 phones and 102,841 emails.
WordPress Super Cache - This list contains 839,822 domains, 54,281 phones and 251,508 emails.
Weebly - This list contains 1,191,899 domains, 9,133 phones and 467,266 emails.
Plesk - This list contains 2,817,263 domains, 222,712 phones and 803,918 emails.
Zendesk-chat - This list contains 268,707 domains, 35,597 phones and 119,599 emails.
Tawk-to - This list contains 281,911 domains, 58,547 phones and 133,004 emails.
For Sample Database Contact me.


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